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    Our Science: Power Over Pain

    Over 80 publications demonstrate the efficacy of our proprietary M-Stim® technology's pain relief.


    Scientific Integrity

    Pain Care Labs does not pay for research, testimonials, or expert opinions. We strive to never exaggerate our claims, thus "Buzzy Helps" and not "Pain-Free".


    Clinical Trials

    Of >100 prospective randomized trials, 96% showed statistically significant pain relief. Buzzy is the only needle intervention shown to reduce both pain & fear.



    Since 2006, we have pioneered the field of thermomechanical stimulation (M-Stim®). As the industry leaders in noninvasive pain relief, we are now investigating harmonic M-Stim physics.



    Our research has upended conventions of gate control, one-pill solutions for pain, and the belief that disposable solutions are necessary for medical device success.

    Selected Clinical Trials

    Year Topic Title Authors N Journal/Presentation Outcome PMID/ Reference #
    2023 Low Back Pain Multimodal mechanical stimulation reduces acute and chronic low back pain: Pilot data from a HEAL phase 1 study. Baxter A, Thrasher A, Etnoyer-Slaski JL, Cohen LL 20 Frontiers in Pain Research A Phase I clinical pilot investigation on a multi-motor multi-modal device was promising for drug free pain relief. Results suggested pain relief independent of thermal modality, patient age, or pain chronicity. NCT04494841
    2019 Physical Therapy  Crossover trial of novel mechanical oscillatory vibration frequency device versus TENS for musculoskeletal pain. Marovino T, Baxter A --- AAPM&R November 2019 Mean pain relief with VC high frequency vibration was 3.60 +/- 1.60 (95%CI 2.85 to 4.35). Pain relief with TENS was 1.40 +/- 1.05 (95%CI 0.91 to 1.89), with a mean difference of -2.2 +/- 1.34 (95%CI-2.85 to -1.55, P<.0001). Pain relief with VC was greatest for spine, injury and post-surgical pain (5-6) and least for OA (2-3). Poster 721211A
    2022 Meta Analysis  The analgesic effect of localized vibration: a systematic review. Casale R, Hansson P --- Eur J Phys Rehabil Med. 2022 Apr; 58(2): 306–315. "Laboratory animal and human data indicate that [localized vibration] relieves pain not only by acting on the spinal gate, but also at higher levels of the nervous system." 35102735
    2017 Post-surgical pain Effect of illusory kinesthesia on hand function in patients with distal radius fractures: a quasi-randomized controlled study. Imai R, Osumi M et al 22  Clin Rehabil. 2017 May;31(5):696-701. “[Tendon vibration] was an effective post-surgery management strategy not only for pain alleviation, but also hand function...with improvements persisting for up to two months.” 28074671
    2015 Post-surgical pain A Randomized, Double-Blinded, Placebo-Controlled Clinical Trial Evaluating the Effectiveness of Daily Vibration After Arthroscopic Rotator Cuff Repair. Lam PH, Hansen K, et al. --- Am J Sports Med 2015 43: 2774.  Five minutes of vibration was applied daily after arthroscopic rotator cuff repair for 6 months.  Vibration did provide acute pain relief at 6 weeks after surgery (visual analog scale [VAS] score, 2.24 (0.29 cm)) compared with placebo (VAS score, 3.67 (0.48 cm)) (P=.003). 26337247
    2015 Immunizations The effect of combined stimulation of external cold and vibration during immunization on the pain and anxiety levels in children. Şahiner NC, Sevil I, Akbay AS. 104 J Perianesth Nurs
    . 2015 Jun;30(3):228-35.
    In 7 year olds getting DTAP IM, pain with Buzzy (1.31 +/- 1.36) was significantly lower than control (4.85 +/-2.72), as was anxiety (0.58 v. 1.96) all p=.001. 26003770
    2019 Needle Procedures Efficacy of the Buzzy Device for Pain Management During Needle related procedures. Ballard A, Khadra C, Adler, D Trottier , Bailey , Poonai N, Théroux J, Le May S. 1138 Clinical Journal of Pain. Jun;35(6):532 Pain reduction -1.11; 95% confidence interval [CI]: -1.52 to -0.70; P<0.0001), anxiety reduction (SMD -1.37; 95% CI: -1.77 to -0.96; P<0.00001.) 30782698
    2018  Immunizations  Improving vaccine-related pain, distress or fear in healthy children and adolescents - a systematic search of patient-focused interventions. Lee VY, Caillaud C, Fong J, Edwards KM.  Review  Hum Vaccin Immunother. 2018;14(11):2737 - 2747.  "Interventions using coolant and vibration together, as well as a combination of site-specific and patient-led interventions, showed the most consistent effects in reducing self-reported pain, fear or distress." 29792557
    2021 Dental Injections Effect of vibration devices on pain associated with dental injections in children: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Faghihian R, Rastghalam N, Amrollahi N, Tarrahi MJ. Review  Aust Dent J. 2021 Mar;66(1):4-12.  “The findings revealed that use of DentalVibe for Paediatric dental injections was not effective in reducing pain perception. However, use of Buzzy showed promising results.” 33258142
    2021 Pediatrics Using vibrating and cold device for pain relieves in children: a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials. Su HC, Hsieh CW, Lai NM, Chou PY, Lin PH, Chen KH. ---  J Pediatr Nurs. 2021 Mar 15;61:23-33. "Cool-vibration [Buzzy] treatment reduced pain levels in children who underwent needle procedures and the treatment appears more effective in older children. The device is promising in clinical setting due to its non-invasiveness and ease of usage." 33735633
    2023 Fainting Preventing Post-Vaccination Presyncope and Syncope in Adolescents Using Simple Clinic-Based Interventions: a Randomized-Controlled Trial Smith M, Walter EB et al. 332 2023 Pediatric Academic Soc. Washington, DC. "The combination of Buzzy® and a video game decreased the risk of postvaccination presyncope by 25%, likely due to a decrease in pain." NCT04772755
    2017 Blood Donation Effect of the Use of Buzzy during Phlebotomy on Pain and Individual Satisfaction in Blood Donors.  Yilmaz D., Heper Y., Gözler. 90 Pain Management Nursing. 2017 Aug;18(4):260-267  Pain reduced, satisfaction increased, adult, (p < .05) 28601479
    2018 Venipuncture Assessing the effectiveness of a thermomechanical device (Buzzy®) in reducing venous cannulation pain in adult patients. Abidin N, Yahya N, Izaham A, Mat W, Zain J, Zainuddin M, Mahdi S.  184 Middle East Journal of Anesthesiology 81.0% of adults satisfied with Buzzy®; N=184, Reported pain lowest with Buzzy® 33.92 ± 15.59 (p = 0.016). ---
    2011 Venipuncture An integration of vibration and cold relieves venipuncture pain in a pediatric emergency department. Baxter AL, Cohen LL, McElvery HL, Lawson ML, von Baeyer CL. 81 Pediatr Emerg Care. Pain scores lower with Buzzy (-2; 95% CI, -4 to 0) than with vapocoolant (1; 95% CI, 0-2) Venipuncture success more likely with Buzzy (odds ratio, 3.05; 95% CI, 1.03-9.02), pediatric 22134226
    2021 Venipuncture Cold Vibration (Buzzy) Versus Anesthetic Patch (EMLA) for Pain Prevention during cannulation in children: A randomized trial. Bourdier S, Khelif N, Velasquez M, Usclada A, Rochette E et al. 607 Pediatr Emerg Care. Children 18 months to 6 years; Time until cannulation was “effectively zero” with Buzzy. The cost of Buzzy for 1000 cannulations was equivalent to the cost of 25 EMLA patches, saving $13 per point of pain relief. 31181022
    2015 Venipuncture Effectiveness of external cold and vibration for procedural pain relief during peripheral intravenous cannulation in pediatric patients.  Canbulat N, Ayhan F, Inal S. 176 Pain Manag Nurs. 7-12 y/o, significantly lower anxiety and pain in group using Buzzy. 24912740
    2021 Anesthesiology  The Effect of Vibration on Pain During Intravenous Injection of Propofol: A Randomized Controlled Trial. Hwang LK, Nash DW, Yedlin A, Greige N, Larios-Valencia J, Choice C, Pothula A. 100 Ann Plast Surg. 2021 Jul 1;87(1s Suppl 1):S36-S39. "Vibration analgesia is an effective, low-risk modality that reduces the pain of intravenous propofol injection in general anesthesia." 33833179
    2022 Subcutaneous Injections Effect of Buzzy® Application on Pain During Subcutaneous Application in Children. Sahin S, Ayyıldız TK 26 JERN 2022; 19(3): 283-289  The application of Buzzy® in reducing pain in children during subcutaneous application was found to be an effective method. DOI:10.5152/jern.2021.82642

    Our core values are accountability, science-based devices & communication, and sustainability.

    We do not believe in industry-sponsored medical device studies. 

    We believe if a solution is valuable, it should be highly effective at a fractional cost per use. We also believe objectivity is hard to maintain if someone pays you to do the research. For these reasons, Pain Care Labs does not fund research on our devices. We do not ever have oversight over publication, final results, or analysis of independent research. For our NIH-funded studies, PCL maintains a strict conflict of interest policy, wherein employees are prohibited from enrollment, data collection, analysis, or knowledge of randomization. For novel hypotheses with IRB-approved protocols, we may provide devices. Research interests: lactation pain; Doppler vasodilation evaluation; plasma/blood donation collection speed trials; dialysis superiority trials; clogged ducts/mastitis; digital blocks; any post-surgical or PT opioid-reducing study.

    Our Science

    Icon-BuzzyLitReview 2

    Buzzy Literature Review, Annotated

    This download begins with the meta-analyses published on Buzzy. Independent randomized controlled trials are included in alphabetical order by author, divided in to sections on venipuncture, injections, subspecialty uses, dental, and DistrACTION cards. Adult trials are italicized.  


    M-Stim® Literature Review, Annotated

    This download begins with the independent and NIH-funded trials of VibraCool and DuoTherm. Independent randomized controlled trials of mechanical stimulation are presented in sections of post-surgery, physical therapy, physiology, recovery and rehabilitation. 


    Needle Fear White Paper

    Addressing Needle Dread, Fear, and Phobia The 2023 update on the history, physiology, trajectory, and practical considerations to overcome injection hesitation.


    Opioid Sparing White Paper

    The legacy of Purdue pharmaceutical company marketing opioids as non-addictive carries additional repercussions.  Pain-free is still felt to be a goal, and the ideal is an unrealistic single modality treatment. The history, physiology, and treatment of surgical pain and the current and future trends of enhanced recovery after surgery (ERAS) and prescription-free home recovery are discussed.

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    We freely grant permission to use images of our devices for education and training purposes. We reserve the right to review education and training materials for accuracy and consistency with our FDA indications and clearances.

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